Anoosha at Little Big Girl was very sweet to nominate me for the Liebster Award. THANK YOU, Anoosha! This particular Liebster (my second) highlights the discovery of new blogs, which I was all too happy to do in the April Challenge. I discovered some very creative blogs, and Anoosha's was one of them. I encourage you to take a look if you missed her in the A-Z.
Other blogs nominated by Anoosha were:
Creative Ramblings
Suzannes Tribe
Anything But Ordinary
1) Why Blog?
For me, it is the same as "Why write?" I blog because I have to. I have this innate need to share my thoughts and feelings in this journey called life. I find that in addition to keeping me sane and focused, it brings organization and clarity to my thoughts. I started blogging with the intention of creating a blog platform for my novel, but it has morphed into something more.
2) What is your favorite sport/activity/hobby besides blogging or writing ?
Gardening, for one. My husband and I may be moving, so I have been doing some intensive gardening lately. Biking is my favorite personal sport. I would like to take up tennis again, and couple's dancing (hoping husband agrees). I seldom watch sports on TV.
3) Which is your favorite Blog post ?
Mine? I wrote one about kissing in elementary school that riled me up a bit. I like posts that get people talking. I wish I could write more like that one. I also wrote a post about two bikers in Thailand who had lost their lives. They were living the adventure I would have enjoyed in my youth. A very sad end for the thirty-something couple, in a country I had traveled to and enjoyed immensely.
Suzannes Tribe
Anything But Ordinary
Anoosha's Questions for me:
1) Why Blog?
For me, it is the same as "Why write?" I blog because I have to. I have this innate need to share my thoughts and feelings in this journey called life. I find that in addition to keeping me sane and focused, it brings organization and clarity to my thoughts. I started blogging with the intention of creating a blog platform for my novel, but it has morphed into something more.
2) What is your favorite sport/activity/hobby besides blogging or writing ?
Gardening, for one. My husband and I may be moving, so I have been doing some intensive gardening lately. Biking is my favorite personal sport. I would like to take up tennis again, and couple's dancing (hoping husband agrees). I seldom watch sports on TV.
3) Which is your favorite Blog post ?
Mine? I wrote one about kissing in elementary school that riled me up a bit. I like posts that get people talking. I wish I could write more like that one. I also wrote a post about two bikers in Thailand who had lost their lives. They were living the adventure I would have enjoyed in my youth. A very sad end for the thirty-something couple, in a country I had traveled to and enjoyed immensely.
4) What is your Spirit Animal ?

vacation. While standing on the balcony overlooking Washington state's beautiful Puget Sound, an eagle flew by so close in front I could almost touch its wings. I have always loved the eagle, and have a painting of one in flight in my home. It reminds me of the scripture: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they will mount up on wings like eagles." (Isaiah 40:31)
5) Any guilty pleasures?

Probably drink too much coffee. Strange thing about this beverage is that it is good for you in moderate amounts, but hard on the bladder in excess. I'm trying to cut down.
6) What is favorite book and why?

Again, hard to answer. Will default to my childhood favorite, Jo, in Little Women. She wanted to be a writer (she wanted to be different) and that was inspiration enough.
8) If you could only describe yourself in three words what would they be ?
Creative, Adventuresome, Faithful
9) When are you happiest ?
I need time alone to be happy. This includes in my home, garden, writing, and other pursuits. I am happiest when I can balance this with the people in my life....who are no less important, but know how grumpy I get when I am struggling with a goal or task.
8) If you could only describe yourself in three words what would they be ?
Creative, Adventuresome, Faithful
9) When are you happiest ?
I need time alone to be happy. This includes in my home, garden, writing, and other pursuits. I am happiest when I can balance this with the people in my life....who are no less important, but know how grumpy I get when I am struggling with a goal or task.
10) If you could meet anybody living or dead who would it be?
I would love to meet my two grandmothers as young women. My Norwegian Grandma had a deep faith (and jail ministry later in life). My German Nana looked so cute in a photo as a teen in her 'roaring twenties' flapper outfit. She later traveled around the world with my grandfather.
11) Eleven facts about myself:
1- I grew up in Tacoma, Washington.
2- My high school (Stadium) was modeled after a French castle
and built in the late 1800s. Famous speakers there include one U.S. president and a Washington state governor. A movie was made there, too.
I would love to meet my two grandmothers as young women. My Norwegian Grandma had a deep faith (and jail ministry later in life). My German Nana looked so cute in a photo as a teen in her 'roaring twenties' flapper outfit. She later traveled around the world with my grandfather.
11) Eleven facts about myself:
1- I grew up in Tacoma, Washington.
2- My high school (Stadium) was modeled after a French castle
Stadium High School |
3- I was a tomboy growing up and could beat the boys in arm wrestling.
4- When I met my husband it was like that 'Tony meets Maria scene' in Westside Story. The room stood still.
5- A terrible dancer. My mother signed me up for tap when I was four and I cried the entire time. (Odd, I now want to take couple's dancing with my husband).
6- Attended five colleges before getting a B.A. degree at the

7- Frustrated with Christmas trees and all the mess. Does anyone know a good way to market Christmas ornaments?
8- In high school, I co-chaired the decoration of a float for Tacoma's famous Daffodil Parade. We covered an entire float with daffodils.
9- I have six grandchildren (five boys, one girl).
10- Favorite holiday in the U.S. is Thanksgiving, because it keeps me thankful.

11- My husband and I recently found an airpark home (with a
hangar) in Desert Aire, WA and may be moving soon.
My Nominees are:
1) Fanny Barnes Thornton
2) Things My Mother Taught Me (Leslie Melby)
Questions for you:
1) How long have been blogging and why did you start ?
2) What is your favorite sport, activity or hobby (besides blogging and writing) ?
3) Do you have a favorite song ?
4) What is your favorite animal and why ?
5) What would you change in the world if you could ?
6) What is your favorite book and why?
7) Which fictional character do you most identify with?
8) If you could only describe yourself in three words what would they be ?
9) When are you happiest ?
10) If you could meet anybody living or dead who would it be?
Rules for award:
Link back to the blog that has nominated you.
Nominate 5-11 blogs that have less than 200 followers
Answer questions posted to you by your nominator.
Share 11 facts about yourself.
Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer
Contact nominees; inform them they have been nominated.

This is a Celebrate post. I'm thankful to have posted something at all this week. It's been a very busy week cleaning house, filling out real estate paperwork, getting ready for a potential move and selling our home. Hope you are having a good spring. Summer is almost here!