A ship in port is safe, but this is not what ships are for. Sail out to sea and do new things. ~Grace Hopper~
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Gardening Challenge: Make the Seeds Grow
My goal is to plant vegetables and flowers from seed, to fill my garden and occasionally give as gifts to my neighbors and friends. Last
is important to know that I live in wheat-growing country, in the
Palouse on the Washington/Idaho border. Tomatoes seldom can go in the
ground before June here. And . . . I generally keep my house at 71
degrees during the day, which is not ideal greenhouse temperature.
asked a garden expert, a friend at church who has been growing plots of
vegetables in the country for years. "Start your seeds early indoors at
the end of February," she advised. She also pointed out she has been
doing this for twenty years . . . and uses three fluorescent grow
Aha! The secret, I thought to myself. And here's the key, she added. "Don't place them in a window at first. The seedlings will get too leggy."
Aha! The secret, I thought to myself. And here's the key, she added. "Don't place them in a window at first. The seedlings will get too leggy."
Well . . . of course :)
I did some grow light research online and learned about red and blue
light spectrum . . . and frankly, more than I cared to learn. But in a
nutshell, here's what I now know: red light is needed to produce fruit
and flowers and blue light is needed for germination. HID and LED grow
lights are full spectrum lights (red and blue) and manufacturers make
some extraordinary claims for being the better way to go.
here is what I didn't like about HID and LED lighting. HID and its
variants (there are several) put out a lot of heat and require a fan
(conclusion: not energy efficient). For someone with an indoor green
house, the heat may actually be a good thing. LED lights are still being
tested by NASA for growing plants in outer space, which is pretty cool,
but they appear to be in the experimental stage and also are very

next challenge was where to place the grow light assembly. We had a
portable clothes hanger on rollers we no longer used that my husband
converted to a plant stand. He added shelving, and a timer we already
had (set to 12 hours of light). I love it!
cost: $110 plus seeds, soil and tax. Stay tuned for more gardening
challenges. I'll let you know how the seeds turn out . . .
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl
Friday, February 22, 2013
Love, Ruby Lavender by Deborah Wiles: Book Review

Author: Deborah Wiles
Publisher: Harcourt, Inc., 2001Reviewer: Sharon M. Himsl
Ages: 8 to 12, Middle Grade
Pages: 188
This is the second book I have read
by middle grade author Deborah Wiles. My first was Each Little Bird That Sings
(2005). Both are refreshing, funny and heartwarming. Wiles is a master at ‘showing/not
telling’ and weaves a tale with characters that stay with you long after you
finish. Travel to Halleluia, Mississippi and meet nine-year-old Ruby Lavender and
her chickens—Ivy, Bemmie and Bess. Meet Ruby’s grandmother, Miss Eula, who
drives the get-away car when they rescue the chickens from going to the
slaughterhouse. Life is good in Halleluia, or at least manageable with Miss
Eula around, but when Miss Eula takes off for Hawaii to see her new grandbaby,
Ruby is devastated. How will she ever take care of the chickens on her own? One
is about to give birth! And how will she ever deal with mean-spirited, “tip-tapping” Melba Jane? Ruby and Melba
Jane share a past that neither can talk about: the tragic loss of two people
they loved very much, a grandfather and a father—two lives that were lost together
on one rainy night a year ago. The resolution comes in the most unconventional
way. Be prepared to shed a tear and laugh at the same time. Love, Ruby Lavender was written over ten years ago, but that is the beauty of children's books. They can take on a second life and then some. This is one of them. Thursday, February 21, 2013
Miracle Ship: the Africa Mercy
A friend of mine is in Texas training as a nurse for service on the Africa Mercy ship. This miracle ship has met the health needs of hundreds of thousands. If you missed the TV presentation about this ship on 60 Minutes last Sunday, here it is: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50141230n
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Hey, That Just Isn't Right
Sometimes it happens to someone or people we have never met before, but we relate to them on a human level. We grieve as a nation, as a community, and alone. This morning I read in the newspaper about a British couple I would never meet. They were living the life of their dreams, bicycling around the world and chronicling their journey in a blog called Two on Four Wheels.
On Monday, they were struck and killed by a pickup truck in Thailand. The driver survived. Peter Root and Mary Thompson, both 34, lost their lives doing what they loved most, exploring the world on bicycles, a journey that had begun in 2011 (from Guernsey, in the Channel Islands). They had traveled through Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China, and had plans to visit New Zealand next.
"They were camping wild, as they called it," said Jerry Root, father of Peter Root. "What helps me is to think of how happy they were with each other. They were leading the life they wanted to. It was the happiest, the most fruitful of lives." (Associated Press, 02-19-13)
On Monday, they were struck and killed by a pickup truck in Thailand. The driver survived. Peter Root and Mary Thompson, both 34, lost their lives doing what they loved most, exploring the world on bicycles, a journey that had begun in 2011 (from Guernsey, in the Channel Islands). They had traveled through Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and China, and had plans to visit New Zealand next.
"They were camping wild, as they called it," said Jerry Root, father of Peter Root. "What helps me is to think of how happy they were with each other. They were leading the life they wanted to. It was the happiest, the most fruitful of lives." (Associated Press, 02-19-13)
I truly hope it was, and although they died tragically on a remote road in Thailand, I am almost certain they were in love with that beautiful country. It is sad we will never hear their impressions. Their last blog post had a photo of Cambodia, taken over a week ago. I include a photo from my own files of Thailand in 1995, in their memory.
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(Thailand - author's trip in 1995) |
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day
These postcards were sent to my grandfather Carl (Karl) in North Dakota around 1909 and 1910, from Norway and the U.S. Some are so old I can only guess at the signatures on the back. The writing is faded and all is in Norwegian. I believe two of the cards are from a girlfriend, a fiancee Carl left behind. She never joined him in America (some say she got tired of waiting for him to send for her).
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[From ??] |
Carl immigrated to America in 1906 alone, a brave journey for a young man of 22 years to take. He had the equivalent of $20 in his pocket. He left a girlfriend and his family behind, including his parents Oline and Johan and four brothers, Kristian, Ragnar, Elias, and John. He worked as a farm laborer in North Dakota and eventually moved to Washington state. None of the cards are really valentines, but all are about longing for romance.
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[From Ragnar] |
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[From Ragnar] |
An interesting picture of the "proper" kiss and culture of the time. The kiss is initiated by the man, and the bedazzled woman is swooning at his touch. Notice the wine glass in her left hand. Her other hand has a watchful guard on his hand, and her eyes are wide open. Mama taught her well, I think. It is just past midnight. Is the occasion New Year's Eve? Past her curfew?
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[From parents, Oline and Johan] |
Ah . . . a romantic yearning for love put to words in poetry. Carl did not meet and marry my grandmother (Marie) until 1918, twelve years after his arrival in America. Too bad there is scribbling on the airplane. The world was so in love with airplanes then.
And . . . I happen to know a pilot today who is just as enamoured with this machine!
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl
[postcards from Gravseth family archive]
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing
Monday, February 11, 2013
Survivors in a Sinful World
I finished the BBC TV series Survivors on Netflix last week. If you have ever wondered what would happen if there were
a repeat of the 1918 flu epidemic, only worse, this is for you. Only 1% of the population survives. As in the bubonic plague, only a handful of people accosted by the virus are immune. One survivor, Abby, actually comes down with the virus and survives it, which makes her a potential vaccine candidate. This and the central theme of Abby's search for her son moves the story forward. Each character she meets along the way, and joins up with, has some sort of past to overcome. As can be predicted, their plight in a darkened, sinful world brings out the worst and best in everyone. Unfortunately, the series drops off without a fit ending, so I would add that one warning. Nevertheless, with all the recent news about whooping cough and now the influenza outbreak, it was an interesting series to watch.
With that background in mind, I was surprised to see the following letter in the local newspaper. The letter was written by a minister my husband and I have known (and respected) for many years. His message is simple, direct, and humbling, regardless of one's religious leanings.
a repeat of the 1918 flu epidemic, only worse, this is for you. Only 1% of the population survives. As in the bubonic plague, only a handful of people accosted by the virus are immune. One survivor, Abby, actually comes down with the virus and survives it, which makes her a potential vaccine candidate. This and the central theme of Abby's search for her son moves the story forward. Each character she meets along the way, and joins up with, has some sort of past to overcome. As can be predicted, their plight in a darkened, sinful world brings out the worst and best in everyone. Unfortunately, the series drops off without a fit ending, so I would add that one warning. Nevertheless, with all the recent news about whooping cough and now the influenza outbreak, it was an interesting series to watch.
With that background in mind, I was surprised to see the following letter in the local newspaper. The letter was written by a minister my husband and I have known (and respected) for many years. His message is simple, direct, and humbling, regardless of one's religious leanings.
[Excerpt: Jim Wilson, Moscow/Pullman Daily News, Feb. 4, 2013]
Jim has always been gifted at connecting the present with the teachings of the bible. He goes on to offer his assistance and contact numbers. I am not surprised. He has devoted his life to teaching and ministering to others. His blog, Roots by the River, is quite popular if anyone is interested.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Southeast Indians by Andrew Santella: Book Review

"First Nations of North America" series
Southeast Indians
Author: Andrew Santella
Publisher: Heinemann Library, 2012
Reviewer: Sharon M. Himsl
Age: 8 up, Middle Grade nonfiction
Pages: 48
Native Americans were the first people to settle North America. Scientists believe they migrated from Asia across a Bering Straits land bridge 12,000 years ago. Some settled in the southeast region of North America to as far west as present-day Oklahoma and Texas. The ten diverse tribes within this group, the Chickasaw, Cherokee, Catawba, Creek, Choctaw, Natchez, Seminole, Apalachee, Timucua, and Calusa, are known as the Southeast Indians. Santella tells their story, tracing their ancestral history and culture to the present. Readers learn how early Southeast Indians lived and survived—about their diet, crops planted, clothing, body adornments, hunting techniques, tools and weapons, house styles, transportation, and family life in the different clans. Included are the roles expected of boys and girls and their elders, the games they played, religious beliefs, and the popular Green Corn Ceremony still practice today. A turning point in their story came with the first non-Indian contact in 1513, when countless Southeast Indians were killed and enslaved by Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León and his expedition. Conflicts and hardships followed as other Europeans settled the region. Over time, the Southeast Indians adapted and many adopted European ways. One Cherokee member, Sequoyah, even invented a syllabary to record their language. However, the centuries old conflict proved futile. In 1830, the tribes were ordered to Indian Territory under the U.S. Indian Removal Act. Thousands traveled west to present-day Oklahoma on what became known as the Trail of Tears. Many died en route and millions of acres of land were later lost. Despite unfair treatment, the tribes survived, and today live throughout the United States. Santella’s presentation is well organized and useful in Native American Social Studies curriculum. Glossary (boldface text) and Timeline are provided. Maps, photos, and sketches are on most pages. Reading level Q.
Copyright 2013 © Sharon M. Himsl
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Pining for Ski Days Past
Snow was abundant for a while here in the Pacific Northwest. To the south of us in Utah, my daughter said they were buried up to their hips a week and a half ago. It's melting now, but part of me misses it. There is something serene and centering about the snow when it falls. I love the feel of snowflakes melting on my face and the crispness of the air. And despite the lure of spring gardening (seed catalogs are already filling my mailbox), I find myself pining for ski days past, wishing for one more time on the slopes.
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Postcard from Ragnar in Norway sent to Karl in Tacoma, WA (ca. 1918) |
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Vince - 1971 (Germany) |
This was a new sport for Vince and he had his first lesson in Germany, while on military leave. We took a ski train to the highest peak in Germany, the Zugspitze (near Garmisch), and spent one incredible day. The lesson was challenging. Vince's knees were too stiff from a previous injury and wouldn't bend enough for the standard "snow plow" stop. He was a scary sight going full board down the hill trying to stop.
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Sharon - 1971 (Germany) |
I can honestly say that skiing is in my blood. Most of my family in Norway are skiers, which hardly comes as a surprise. Wasn't skiing invented in Norway? I have received more than one photo of the family cross country skiing somewhere. Maybe I can join them someday . . .
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl
[Postcard from Gravseth family archive]
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Happy Groundhog Day

Ten more of the best lines:
1. "Today is tomorrow! It happened!"
2. "Don't you have some kind of a line that you keep open for emergencies or for celebrities? I'm both. I'm a celebrity in an emergency."
3. "What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?"
4. "My years are not advancing as fast as you might think."
5. "He might be OK ... well, no, probably not now ... "
6. "I'm a god. I'm not the God I don't think."
7. "I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank pina coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over and over and over?
8. "I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life."
9. "This is pitiful - 1,000 people freezing their butts off to worship rat."
10. "What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today."
Ten Facts about the Groundhog:
1 - also known as a woodchuck, whistle-pig, or land beaver
2 - a member of the rodent family
3 - most common in the northeast and central United States; but found as far north as Alaska, and as far south as Georgia
4 - measures in size from 16 to 26 inches (tails are 6 inches long)
5 - lives up to 6 years in wild; some reported to live 8 to 14 years; but in captivity only 2 to 3 years
6 - diet includes wild grasses, other vegetation, berries, grubs, grasshoppers, insects, snails and other small animals, and nuts
7 - lives in a burrow, which can have 2 to 5 entrances to escape predators
8 - hibernates, often in a separate winter burrow; usually from October to March or April; but in milder climates as little as 3 months
9 - can also climb trees and swim
10 - when afraid, the hairs on a groundhog's tail stand straight up; the tail looks like a hairbrush!
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing
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About Me

- Sharon Himsl
- You could call me an eternal optimist, but I'm really just a dreamer. l believe in dream fulfillment, because 'sometimes' dreams come true. This is a blog about my journey as a writer and things that inspire and motivate me.