Hi. Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful 2014......in all your pursuits, whether it's writing goals, improved relationships, or some personal quest. We all deserve a fresh start. 2014 is the year!
Some of my accomplishments in 2013:
--The blog. Last year was a huge learning curve for me as a blogger, debuting with the A-Z in April and deciding what I wanted to do with my blogger life hence forth. It is still a work in progress, but for now I am zeroing in on what drew me to blogging in the first place, my fascination with American culture and a desire to establish a web presence for when I finished my novel. I wandered about but have returned to these two goals, so progress there.
--The novel. I wish I could say I have a completed novel. I DO have a polished draft, with the exception of the first and last chapters. I realized at some point that these two chapters needed to reflect each other, so I have been working on linking the two. I have written an action-adventure with elements of mystery and romance, so I have had tons of plot details to check as well.
--Gardening pursuits. Gardening and landscaping a new yard (5 years now) has been ongoing. I'm excited to finally have an apple tree, and a vine maple. Brick edging was also installed and ten shrubs planted. I do most of the work, but my husband is always willing to help with the heavy work.
--Exercise and weight. Since August I have lost 17 pounds thanks to my treadmill and Weight Watchers. I credit WW a lot, but I have never belonged to this organization, except to use their cookbooks and calculators--all available on line for purchase. I also designed a table for my husband and me to record our daily points and weekly weight. My husband has also lost 17 pounds, but on his own had lost 13 pounds since January, totally a whopping 30 pounds. With results like that, we are committed now. We also use Wii Fit Plus, mostly to weigh in and see our progress on the Wii graph. It's really instructive, and also a fun way to exercise. When the weather improves we'll start biking again.
Peace of Mind. I have been working on several issues, mainly where to live in retirement and what to do about my lovely family who lives all over the U.S. We have decided to stay put for at least a year. We both work part-time at the university and since our insurance health policy is good, why rock a sound boat? Meanwhile, I am working on using the telephone more, open to using Skype (connection is poor right now), and connecting more on Facebook. Facebook is NOT my favorite form of communication but so many people love it. I have prayed about all this, and on a spiritual level, I am in a much better place. I seem to be on the right path.
Goals for 2014:
(In general, more of the same, but I do have a few specifics).
--Finish edits and submit novel this month (I will drop off the grid for a while if necessary).
--Start a new novel.
--Research other places to submit my writing (ones that actually pay something). An article, a short story? Not sure about this one, as I'm not sure this market exists anymore. So many people write for free these days. The goal would be to submit once a month. Any comments?
--Read one book a week.
--Attend Master Gardener's class and obtain certification. I'll be in class once a week, January through mid-April.
--I also add being a little kinder to those around me. In my busyness, I know I sometimes neglect the moment. So I share the following quote:
Do it that very moment.
Don't put it off--don't wait.
There's no use in doing a kindness
If you do it a day too late.
That's it for me. I hope your goals are firming up and giving you new direction. Thank you for supporting my blog efforts. You mean a lot to me.
All the best in 2014!!
Copyright 2013 © Sharon Himsl