My thanks to Alex and the
Insecure Writer’s Support Group in giving writers an opportunity to express their fears and insecurities. A great way to offer encouragement too. Anyone can join. Just click on the tab above
and sign up. Postings are the first Wednesday of every month. Members are encouraged to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment.
The awesome co-hosts today are
Patricia Lynne, Lisa Buie-Collard, Kim Lajevardi, and
Fundy Blue!
Today’s optional question for discussion: "What are your favorite and least favorite questions people ask you about your writing?"
Since moving to a new community in 2014, an hour from any major city, I rarely see other writers. I miss being asked about my writing and never minded their interest or questions. We were in the same boat and usually shared similar struggles.
Word did eventually spread when my novel was published here in 2017. As I am shy about sharing my writing life, my new neighbors were surprised when they learned about my book in a local newspaper. There is a definite disconnect between being an introverted writer and the requirement I promote my writing in an extroverted fashion. It's a strange disconnect for me. Am I alone in this? I therefore felt terribly out of my comfort zone and probably blew it by not setting up some community book signing. I've only had one.
Awkward questions about my next book followed, which of course made sense if I wanted more readers. And then there was that unspoken question....that if I was a writer, well....why hadn't I published anything else yet? I guess I satisfied their curiosity by publishing garden articles over the summer in the newspaper, but I wish I wasn't such a slow writer.
As for daily goals, my husband gave me a miniature timer for 4 daily events. Thinking about this, I listed some practical have-to events. I know I can fit in other things I love like reading, gardening and cooking, as these require little motivation.
1- Blog & other social media -1 hour or less daily as needed
2- Write daily - 3 hours or more
3- Exercise daily - at least 30 minutes
4- Bills, filing, etc. - 1 hour or less daily as needed
So then I felt inspired this morning and wrote a Writer's Prayer for 2019, which I share below....
"A Writer's Prayer for 2019"
May you walk along the free
sandy shores of discovery.
May kindness find its way
to you and yours with the break of day.
May you bask in the warm sun,
pausing for a bit of fun.
May you find gold amidst the embers
and peace and comfort in the forest firs.
May words flow like petals from heaven,
soft and pure with healing, again and again.
May words flow with joy, faith, and laughter
when nothing else matters.
May your writer's pen bless you abundantly,
and ten-fold more, those who read and see.
~~Sharon Himsl
Sharon M. Himsl
Published: Evernight Teen