Just wanted to say "hi" and wish everyone a
Happy New Year!!
I'm still finding my blogger feet as I continue to help my 92 year old mother move and now adjust to a new retirement home, a process that started in November. She is about 45 minutes away, which is wonderful, as she has been a day's ride away for most of my married life. I'm happy to have her closer, but I had no idea how I exhausted I would feel after the move. My husband and I are her sole source of family here, and the demand on our time has been tremendous. It didn't help that she fell and bumped her head and then came down with stomach flu right after the move. Then just the other day, her chin swelled up terribly from an infected tooth, so we are processing that now. I feel bad that I'm complaining. I love my mother dearly and would do anything to make her last days comfortable. I just want a little rest for all of us. We could use a break.
Okay, got that off my chest. Now for the rest the story..... Prior to Mom's big move, Vince and I had an accident in our small RV8 airplane. No injuries, thank God, but the right wing now needs to be replaced, due to a damaged gas tank and spar. It all started with a take-off that went bad. Loss of rudder control and a crosswind pushed us off the runway onto the grass median. We hit a landing light, which then ripped through the wing and gas tank, and damaged the spar (part of wing structure).

Then just the other day our Toyota was rear-ended on the freeway in Seattle. Again, no injuries so very thankful about that, but we are looking at $5000 dollars worth of damage. Grr...
So-000 that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. It really has been a good year otherwise. Really....truly, truly. My book was published, my mother lives closer, I wrote 17k words in new novel, and Vince and I are healthy for the most part. I have to say too that you can always find something to complain about, but it really is the little things in life that matter most. A neighbor delivered a pot of soup last week and I was reminded of how lucky we are to have them next door. My son and family visited from California and my home was decorated beautifully for Christmas. I pulled out decorations I hadn't used in years. Check out my grandkids asleep on the floor. I got some terrific pictures when we traveled to Seattle and saw more family on New Years day. These are the moments I'm going to remember most. They will warm my heart and make the bad bearable...and when you think about it, it certainly could have been worse!
Have a wonderful weekend!

"Come celebrate with us"
Co-hosts are: L.G. Keltner @ Writing Off The Edge
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing
Tonja Drecker @ Kidbits Blog
Sharon M. Himsl
Writer/Author. Blogging since 2011.
Published with Evernight Teen:
~~The Shells of Mersing