"It is enough," he said. "Go, children of the Lenape, the anger of the Manitou is not done. Why should Tamenund stay? The pale-faces are masters of the earth, and the time of the redmen has not yet come again. My day has been too long. In the morning I saw the sons of Unamis happy and strong; and yet, before the night has come, have I lived to see the last warrior of the wise race of the Mohicans." (Published 1826)
I love the classics, don't you? Comment if you wish, or read for inspiration. Writing styles were different back then, perhaps too wordy for some. But weigh this against a world without computers, internet, television or cell phones to see the difference. I think we read to experience this difference. We write to capture it as well.
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Sharon M. Himsl
Published: Evernight Teen
I real The Last of the Mohican soooooo long ago. I don't really remember a lot.
ReplyDeleteI do enjoy the classics, when I choose to read them. I adore Robert Stevenson, one of my very favourite. I think Joyce was a genius, but I have a hard time reading him. FitzGerals? Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't.
But you know, whether I love them or I just appreciate them, I think it is always possible to see why theya re classic. There is something there, some strong core that contemporary stories don't always have.
It's been awhile for me too. I love Stevenson's poetry especially. And loved Fitzgerald....read all I think in my twenties, but probably wouldn't now. It fit my mood at the time!
DeleteI do love the classics. Hemmingway to Stienbeck. Last line of Hemingways' The Sun Also Rises stuck with me and I use it repeatedly in conversation I'm afraid. "Isn't it pretty to think so"
ReplyDeleteAh....Hemmingway. Loved reading. My mother subscribed to a classic book a month club. They were so much fun to read as a girl.